#SUMMERFUNYOGA CHALLENGE. Day 4 is #Bakasana / #CrowPose / #CranePose - we are flying today
This pose was the first arm balance I ever learned - I think that's the
case for most yogis! Bakasana will strengthen your wrists, arms, and
abdominal muscles. If you find you are having a hard time getting your
feet off the floor - try a block under your feet, it'll get you off the
ground more! Just lift one foot at a time until you build up the
strength to do both! This pose is all about shifting your weight
forward. BUT WHAT IF I FALL? But darling, what if you fly? Try your best
to let go of the fear of falling. Maybe put a pillow or five below your
face incase that does happen. Crow is a great place to learn to fall -
you're only a few inches off the ground! If you do yoga long enough, you
are bound to fall at one point or another. It's all apart of the
process! Think about rounding your spine, like cat pose, to find more
lift through your upper back and length through your arms. Keep your
core tight! And never stop hugging your legs into your arms. Stay calm,
breathe, fly!
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