Wednesday 19 July 2017

Complain too much??

Alright.  Rubber meets road time.  Training days.  Or. Training Daze.  Getting to the gym can be a challenge.  We all work, we all have lives outside of the gym, and we have families.  This provides us with a plethora of excuses that we use to "get us out" of meeting our fitness commitments.  I run into this issue myself all of the time.

It's Friday afternoon.  I've just finished my staff meeting, followed by an extended phone conversation and a weeks worth of coaching.  I'm exhausted.  The fine line between training and going home has just become a tightrope over a chasm full of excuses.  It's so easy to just fall to either side and let the excuses cushion me on my way down.
"I'm too tired."
"I deserve a break."
"I'm a whiny baby who deserves some pout time."
"Chocolate, the Juliet to my Romeo, is calling me."

 Then I remember a video I once saw featuring Warhawk Matt Scott.  It's a Nike commercial but the message is all too clear.

It's puts a lot of things into perspective.

These excuses that we make for ourselves are just that excuses.  This doesn't belittle how real the excuses may be (you may really be tired...and I may be a whiny little baby).  However, excuses can be refocused to determination.  If you're tired, exercise will rejuvenate you.  If you're a whiny little baby, your fitness can reveal your true character.

It's usually a lot more than you give yourself credit for.

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