Friday 1 December 2017

Thermopylae Games #1 - November 2017

The first Thermopylae Games of the 2017-2018 competition year happened last night at Valley Creek School.  Over 140 athletes gathered to compete in the exercises of Shield.
Athletes from Midsun, Crossing Park, Valley Creek and Sir John A. MacDonald came out to represent their schools.

After over an hour and a half competition, the athletes were tired but worked to their maximum.

Teams finished as follows:
Valley Creek 814.4
MidSun 607.6
Crossing Park 567.4
SJAM 511.6

Olivia H and Kya M from Valley Creek school finished in the top two spots.

A great job by all of those who participated.

Keep checking back for new programming and news on the next Thermopylae Games.

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