Friday 20 May 2016

Thermopylae OCR Obstacles and Race Course

Obstacle Course Stations (in no particular order and missing a couple of surprises)

Push Ups (30) - straight body lines, hands under shoulders, chest must touch ground at bottom of movement.

Full Sit Ups (30) - soles of feet together, back starts on ground, cannot use arms for acceleration, hands must touch feet.

Skipping (50 Double unders or 200 Regular rotations) - Double under is two rotations around the body with every jump versus a regular skip is a single rotation.

Bench Dips (50) - Legs must be straight, hands must have fingers forward.  Body must lower close to the bench until the elbows reach 90 degrees.  Press back up must go to straight arms.

Army Crawls (100ft) - chest, stomach, and thighs must be in contact with the ground.

Wall Vault - 3ft, 4ft, 5 ft walls.  Must be climbed or vaulted over.  Do not attempt to jump over them without one, or both hands, on the wall.

Urpees (20) - Similar to a standard burpee but you MUST roll over onto your back and then roll back to your chest before jumping back up.

Plank Jacks (50) - Plank position where feet are "jumped" out to a wide jumping jack position and then returned to center.

Flutter Kicks (150/side) - Laying on back with feet elevated slightly off the ground.  Raise one leg up about two feet and alternate it with the other leg.  Legs must be straight.  Hands under lower back or rear for support.

Squats (50) - Lower until hip crease is even with knees.  Keep back straight and core tight.

Tire Shoulder Throws (30) - Take a tire off the ground and roll it over your shoulder while letting it drop onto the ground behind you.

Hill Run #1 (5 Runs) - Run to the top of Thermopylae Hill and back down again.  Repeat.

Hill Run #2 (5 Runs) - Run to the top of Grit Hill and back down again.  Repeat.

War Machines (20) - Burpee with a push up, plank jack and a jump directly to a triple threat position.

Skipping #2 (50 Double unders or 200 Regular rotations) - Double under is two rotations around the body with every jump versus a regular skip is a single rotation.

Bench Step Ups (30) - Step both feet up and onto the top of the bench and then step back down again.

Flutter Kicks #2 (150/side) - Laying on back with feet elevated slightly off the ground.  Raise one leg up about two feet and alternate it with the other leg.  Legs must be straight.  Hands under lower back or rear for support.

Mud Pits (sponsored by Blue Grass Garden Center)

The Bog - Deep mud and a crawl under obstacle.

The Trench - Lots of mud, even more water, saving the best for last.

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