Sunday 15 May 2016

Final Thermopylae Games of 2016

In two days, CNG hosts the last Fit Games.

It will be same format as Arbour Lake, 4pm start time for the pre-games meeting and a 6pm finish.  
2 mins at each stations with buzzer ringing to start and finish.  Reps will be recorded for each station.

THE TWIST!!!  Listed below will be the 15 potential exercises for this games.  
At the pre-games meeting we will draw from these 15 to select 5.  Everyone will do the same 5 but no one will know which 5 until the afternoon of the games!
1 Pushups
2 Situps
3 Burpees
4 Bench step ups
5 Bench dips
6 Star Jumps
7 Skipping
8 Plank Jacks
9 Squats
10 Core Rounds
11 Lunge Jumps (starting in lunge must jump and switch to opposite lunge)
12 Push-up Climbers (starting in push position, lower into plank one arm at a time and then back into push up to count as one rep)
13 Leg raises (flat on back with hand anchored under bum and palms down, legs must remain straight while being lifted to perpendicular and tapped back onto the floor)
14 War Machines (burped with modification of from plank into pushup into plank jack and then jump into 'triple threat' position)
15 Calf Raises (on bench, heels must drop below bench and then lift higher than parallel with bench… looking for a full range of motion)

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