Sunday 3 June 2018

Thermopylae Race Information

Hi everyone, 

It is almost here! We are so excited to have you all on board for the Thermopylae obstacle course race.
Here are a few pointers and reminders for the day of :

- The race is a 5km, 15 obstacle mud race. 
- It is held at Valley Creek School:  
10951 Hidden Valley Dr NW, Calgary, AB T3A 6J2 on Tuesday, June 5th
- We would ask that participants arrive around 3:30-4:00pm
- The race kicks off at 4:30pm and ends around 7:00pm following prizes and announcements. 
We will be selling Thermopylae performance shirts at the race. A shirt costs $14. 

- Students will need their own transportation to and from the race. 
- Students will need their own water bottle (or two) with their name clearly labeled on the bottle.
- Students will need their own a snack.
- Students will need sun screen and bug spray. A hat may also be a good idea. 
- Students will need a change of clothes for after the race. A garbage bag also works well to cover the mud on their bodies before getting back in the car on the drive home. Remember, this is a MUD RACE, so remind your students to wear used or older running shoes and clothes that they do not mind getting dirty and possibly ruining. 
There will be no indoor access to the school during the race for those who are covered in mud. All doors will be locked and there will be volunteers letting people indoors (only if they are clean) to use our facilities. There is one portable toilet on site. 

- Please let us know of any students who need to run in one of the first heats (if they have other activities they need to attend later in the evening and need to leave early).  

Again, thank you for your support in our program and the race. We are thrilled to see you all in less than two days time.

The VC Thermopylae Team

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