Thursday 14 June 2018

Thermopylae Obstacle Course Race Results 2018

Here are the results for the top three schools. The results are an average taken from the fastest ten runners (not including teachers). If you would like to see where your school placed, I have created a Google Doc with all times. Please send me an email and I will share the link. 

First place : Valley Creek School with an average time of 36.22
Second place :  William D. Pratt with an average time of 36.96
Third place : Sir John A. MacDonald with an average time of 37.60 

Here at Valley Creek, winning is not the top priority. Seeing the community come together, students helping other students, smiling faces (full of mud) and overall grit and determination is what we value. We hope you have found the value in that as well. 

Thank you all again. The event is great only because of you! 

Enjoy the rest of the school year and your well-deserved summer break! 

VC Thermopylae Team

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