Wednesday 8 July 2015

Dead Head (Phone Pole) Beach Workout - July 7, 2015

So, sometimes your surrounding lend themselves to fitness/exercise.  In this case, the location that I was at had a "deadhead" or partially floating log.  The log had been submerged for some amount of time and as a result was partially afloat and partially sunken.  It posed a bit of a risk to swimmers, my children included so myself and another gentleman pulled it out to where you see it here.  It stayed there for a few days before it was towed out.  I took the opportunity to use it to train on the second day.

Dead Head Program
- Three sets 20 reps or failure

DeadHead Shoulder Presses
DeadHead Squats (Hold the log in a controlled position at chest height facing it straight on)
DeadHead Tricep Press/Arnold Press (Elbows in)
DeadHead Sumo Squats
DeadHead Bent Over Row
DeadHead Jump Overs
DeadHead Returns (Drag/carry the dry end back into the lake and then return it to the beach)

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