Tuesday 14 March 2017

Thermopylae Games - Crossing Park - The Exercises are here!!!!

The exercises for the Thermopylae Games on March 21 at Crossing Park School are here!!
1) Burpees - without a push up - starting in a standing position, hands to the floor in a crouch, jump the feet out, jump the feet in and a jump with... feet leaving the floor and arms straight up so that the elbows are by the ears = 1 count
2) Russian Twists - with a basketball - holding a basketball in both hands, sitting in a "V" position with feet off the floor, touch the basket ball to the floor, alternating on each side of the body. Each time the ball touches the floor it is a count.  Feet must remain off the floor, ball held in both hands and ball must touch the floor for a count.
3) Forward Lunges - a step forward so that there is a 90 degree bend in the front and back knee, then a return to standing position.  Each step to be counted when returning to standing

4) Skipping - Each turn of the rope with a successful jump is a count

5) Release Push Ups - description and photos on the Thermopylae ORC website:
Release Push Ups

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